Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years-

Today has been more of a relaxing day. We all left the house around 10:45 and headed to the actual town of St. Bourg Maurice to shop and tour. There are many cute little shops and even true French bakeries and butchers. Great atmosphere!
After the town we headed to our second trip to the Super U, another crazy and busy day at the grocerie store (as Dad said, U.S stores are dying for this kind of business) This time was a little easier getting around for the Landers' and Reeves', we all knew what we wanted and were able to find it much easier, without having too many people run into us!

Lunch was yummy sandwiches and soup and then off to either nap or walk. Paul and Erin hadn't slept well the night before, so they stayed around to take a nap/read while the rest of us went on a walk around the Chalet and the river surrounding the house. It was a beautiful river, again the water was unbelievably clear. It was a greenish blue color and you could see straight to the bottom. We stayed around looking at all the smooth rocks and beautiful scenery and then continued on our way. While on our walk we made a real snowman!! ...well I guess it would actually be a snow woman! haha. IT was great.

Around 5 p.m. we left to go to a nearby ski slope, Mont Chavin La Coche, to watch the Descent Flambeaux--which was so much different from anything I'd ever seen. The Descent Falmbeaux happens on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve on most of the ski slopes here. It is where all the ski instructors for the ski slope go to the top of a slope and all ski down, while holding torches, in formations. So neat!

We just finished dinner, and we are all stuffed!! We had fondue, it was delicious. We had chicken and steak fondue, then cheese fondue with peppers, mushrooms, bread, and potatoes and then finished with fruit and pound cake in chocolate fondue. I know, your mouth is watering. It was scrumptious!

Now we are going to watch a movie and await the coming of the new year, hopefully at midnight we will get to see all the slopes let off fire works from the house!

Happy New Year, I know you all have several hours until you reach it, but we will be bringing it in in the next few hours for France.


new facts:
-most of the music played wherever we go, is the same stuff we here on our regular radio stations--in ENGLISH

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